Under the sun
Or under the stars
It's all the same
We're Divine Parts
Of each other
Of the shred of Light
Bestowed to us
By the Almight
Our own piece of home
Of complete pleasure
Our own mirror
To stare into each other
Whatever I look at
Lives in you
The essence behind it
Pure and true
Sometimes I think
If all is me
Why did I choose
This separation dream?
I close my eyes
And there I AM
In the Trinity
Where I began
I open my eyes
And there is you
A part of me
I never knew
When I am complete
I know my whole
But with you here
I know my soul
When I feel pained
A darkness takes over
In that your embrace
Feels warmer than ever
To experience this way
Myself as love –
Oh, I could never
Get enough!
The ever dancing
Yin and Yang
Flowing, merging
in sacred trance
I open my eyes
As my whole
Such a love story
Never was told!
#belovedpoetry #LivingourAscension #twinflame #twinsoul #twinflameart #twinflamepoem #TheBelovedRumi #belovedpath #TwinFlamepath #HolyTrinity #lovepoem #lovepoetry #divinelovepoem #divinefemininepoem #higherselfpoem #IAMpoem #poetryaboutgod #selflovepoem #galacticpoem #innermarriagepoem #Dreamingpoem #interdimensionalpoetry #whitefire #InnerSacredUnion #eternallove #neverendinglove #everlastinglove #soulmatepoem #soulmateremembrance